Enrollment opens Summer 2024

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Inner Mastery

The Methodless Method to Energy Work

So many healers, so many techniques, so many methods, where is “truth?”

Sister, YOU are the Method. Your body is TRUTH.

Let’s clear the conditioning to see it as it is.

Forget Reiki, Theta healing, Quantum hypnosis, Emotional Coding, Resonance Reprogramming, waiting on a shaman to heal you, or any other method that requires you to outsource and follow their rules.

The real truth is:
unless and until you are being reoriented to your own body, your own experience, and your own intuition –
the above are simply temporary bandaids filled with projections.

We are no longer bound to outside methods, structures, or rules for our healing. 


Inner Mastery

- 12 weeks together live in council, Fall dates TBD
-6 bi-weekly modules w/ recorded teachings, journaling, and homeplay 
 - 6 live council calls in between module drops
- Voxer and Community platform
-Free access into "The Frequency Foudnations"
-Affiliate opportunity
-Discounted private single-sessions
This isn't a passive course. 
This is an incredibly interactive experience.

This work is an accumulation of 15 years of being a self-initiated, uncertified, successful energy worker who not only talks the talk, but embodies the results!

I have guided over 100 women through reclaiming their inner world and in this, have experienced many techniques and approaches. The most potent work I have performed on myself and with others has not come from a rule book or method - it has come from working with what's right in front of me, begging to be seen.

I won't be teaching you my method.
I create the space to discover your own.


 "Hannah is a force of nature --- She is doing some really incredible work on this planet to liberate the feminine. Her energy is like: "Give less fucks, take up space!" She is raw and real and really a disruptor in the industry in a way that is so needed. She's such a fucking permission slip. This woman is a powerhouse." 

Wisdom From 5 Women

Packed into 5 unique classes that include pre-recorded lectures, journaling prompts, somatic practices, guided meditations, mantras, scripts, lyrics, and more!

Weaving Ceremony

Hannah Tovar explains the foundation of executing an authentic ceremony for yourself, your family, and your community. She teaches the structure, language, and the weaving of rituals from your heart-space. In this class, you'll meet your inner High Priestess who brings you wisdom and support. 

Companion PDF: Rituals & Ceremony Structure

Self Ceremony

Leah Hughes teaches accessing the quantum field as an anchor for spiritual practices. She speaks on the importance of prioritizing this space as a Mother and the archetype play available to move from performance into embodiment.

Companion PDF: Journaling prompts for inner-work

Magick + Divination

Karlin Foxx teaches how to tap into your intuition and follow the magick. She speaks on ancestral witchcraft, connecting with the elements, and using altar creation for totem infusion. You will learn how to use divination in a group setting and the energetic boundaries required to do so.

Companion PDF: Ceremonial Scripts

Throat Chakra Attunement

Ashley Sedlacek teaches using the throat chakra as an energetic portal. She explains the power of music and how to heal the throat chakra through somatic practices. You will learn 6 songs and how to lead them in a circle setting.

Companion PDF: Lyrics for 6 songs

Magnetic Money + Sacred Sales

Anita Byrne speaks on how to generate a soul-aligned income through Ceremony. You will learn how to work with Human Design and Astrology to access your unique money blueprint. Anita teaches conscious charging as a ceremonialist, resting to receive, and co-creative channeling to ensure abundant work.

Companion PDF: Magnetic Money Mantras

The Sacred Ceremonialist

Purchase all 5 classes as a bundle and get one for free.



You know you are a mystic, a channel, an expander.

There is nothing you must "do" or "learn" to become this. 

It is already right there - together we will create the container for you to access it. 

It is time to tap into your limitless ability to deepen playing in the quantum and cocreating your life. 

See what's in store...



One time payment

Payment Plan


over 6 months

Payment Plan


over 12 months

The Experience: 

"I feel like I have COME HOME to myself, my true self, my authenticity, my power, my magic. I feel like you've accelerated the process of me dropping into my divine feminine exponentially. I feel connected and resourced by myself and my community. Another part of why I love this so much is your promotion of sovereignty and autonomy. I didn't think I would feel nearly as capable as I do to do energy work for myself. I feel HIGHLY magnetic and way more clear as a channel than I thought I would in this amount of time."

"I am feeling more sure and confident in my body every single day. I am grateful for practices that you have helped me develop to be able to recognize my intuition - yes, there has been and will continue to be a whole journey of reconnecting with, reawakening, and strengthening my intuition but being able to recognize it's not just needing repair or strengthening - it is THERE. Recognizing what intuition is for me has been ahh -- JUICY AF."